Wednesday, April 29, 2009
well ish wed mans and two more days ii will be damn damn happy and shiok haha lols cos is friday liiao le. haha!! well today ii am damn sway lahs haha ii couldnt get up on time lor. den david also nv lompong miie to office lor. tink guess ytd ii sleep quite late tt whyiie ii cnnt wakie up on time lor. sad can hmm so ii was like slowly doin my tins. wen to bath get myself ready and off ii left the house and cab over to office lor. by the time i reach office is already like 930 liao le damn damn late so tonite must go home around that time lor if not deduct my paid again lor how sad it can be riite. reach le wanted to use the com again internet dc liiao so bell and me headed to the toilet and finish our stuffs went to smoke and headed back in to the office and today damn sad is alex came meet bell for lunch and we cant collect our dress liiao le. so tot of lunch time jus me and bell go hg mall again 805 to eat den cai go collect lor. but den transport is a problem we need to come back on time mahs so was like bus go and cab back the faster way liiao haha cannt be jus go and collect the dress we spend so much on the tranpsort lor. if like tt damn sad wen lunch time comes every one leave office le so me and bell also lor but den chris was wif us so was like asking him to go over and had lunch der tgh lor. haha den we can have free transport liiao so he agree and once we reach headed over to the shop collect and went over to 805 and had lunch wah faint 3 of us eat damn lots of tins lahs we order 3plates chicken chop den chris went to buy some dim sum and bell wan to buy carrot cakes seee damn full bell did not even finish the chops so asking chris to eat den i eat till half way also full so half of my chops given to chris haha and he finish ALL can!! damn li hai lahs. hmmm well back to office bell and me wen to the ladies and was trying whether the dress izzi look fine after the alter lor. after all not bad lahs back to work and soon knock off. asking joe to send me over to hg mall der and ii took 27 back to tampines and meet up wiif ah jie ah kor and ah qing lor. and so qiao that ah cai was at last time our house der de salon so asking him to takie bus lor. so we meet in the bus. reach liiao walk all the way to swimming complex der and they having the japanese food again lor. hmm did not finish the food den bill and ah qing came over to our house. hmm was using com chating and using FB too. hmm and headed to bed soon.
12:11 AM